Climbing our stairs you’ll pass by, if not careful, our warm “living room” in the HEART of the market, Lowell’s Bar At The Market!
This glasss partition to the right obscures our bar, but were behind it, mixing up elixers, fresh, tasty, and this time of year, hot and toasty also.
Hang a right, grab some spiked holiday cheer to take to your table upstairs or downstairs to enjoy with your meal, OR, check in with our staff at the host booth and we’ll find you a table for “regular-style-sit down & peruse the menu” table service. Toasty & Tasty… no matter which of our 3 floors, all of them are almost classy.
~Cheers from Mark, Jeremy, Tami, Tyler, Max, Jake, Nicole, Nichole (“with an H”!), Kerri, Raven, and last but not least, Gerardo… To all our friends and guest’s, a TOAST to ya, we salute you!