Band together, from 7AM daily!
Out of the dark and into the light, 79 years ago, (after 13 years of really bad drinks nationwide,) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ratified the 21st Amendment to our Constitution. CHEERS TO ALL!
No other holiday celebrates the laws that guarantee our rights, and Repeal Day has EVERYTHING to do with our personal pleasures.
If you were busy yesterday, today is the day to make up for it and perform the dutiful right of all American citizens (where ever you may be on the planet , but preferably at Lowell’s “Bar at the Market”, where we take cocktails to the freshest level in Seattle!)
Fortuitously book-ended between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Repeal Day shouts out as the perfect occasion to get together with friends and family and pay tribute to every citizen’s constitutional rights.
No need to dress up in the mindless costumes of “Hallmark Holidays” and no cards or presents to buy. Grab a friend, a loved one or sit down next to a new friend and toast the day. Do it, because you can.
Our forefathers and foremothers would be proud to know of your patriotism, don’t let them down!
~♥ WITH SINCERITY & love♥…your concerned and supporting family at Lowell’s “BarAtTheMarket”, (hidden away from the throngs shopping the arcades), on our second floor overlooking Elliott Bay