April is holding our steel cut oatmeal (McCann’s, THE BEST!) pre-loaded for your AM regimen! The flavor of the cooked oats is described as being nuttier than other types of oats, and they are also chewier than the softer rolled oats most places serve. We serve our steel cut oats with dried cranberries and apricots, cinnamon-vanilla-turbinado raw sugar, and milk on the side. (Butter on request, of course). Get in at 7AM when we open, and get your carbs before your run along the Seattle waterfront (and accompany them with a glass of fresh squeezed OJ) THIS is a true Pacific Northwest morning in the market; fresh, healthy, tasty and fit!

Pike Place Market pre-run carb loading breakfast of the morning! (Or, try our post workout breakfast, our Fresh Market Veggie Egg Beaters Omelet to protein back up)