Lowell's Restaurant Seattle


Lowell’s Breakfast of Champions! Egg White & Grilled Veggies Burrito w/ our Homemade Salsas

Sitting at my desk, running through tasks, applications, endless stacks of papers-flotsam-etc. BUT, mowing on the BEST & HEALTHIEST breakfast around while doing it. I invented it (ok, I asked my kitchen gurus to make me a burrito with the following ingredients, THEY did the magic!) Lowell’s Egg Whites & Grilled Market Veggies Breakfast Burrito: […]

Welcome back “home” to our favorite REGULARS!

Our favorite regulars, from Nashville, always grace us with their presence when visiting Seattle, and this time they also brought presents! Representing the great state of Tennessee, Ron & Ashley (hey guy’s, anonymity means NO FACES, not names!) brought us some local beverages from YAZOO BREWING in Nashville, and some home-made sauce for tomorrow nights […]