If you head out our doors and walk 5 shops north there’s a ramp leading down to a bunch of unique shops selling everything from vintage jewelery, magic tricks, collectible coins, to a ton of other things. Lowell’s has three floors going up, and the “Down Under” has three floors going down. You can have breakfast with us then head down under to shop all of the shops for inexpensive gifts to bring back home. Pike Place Market has alleys and ramps in all directions, and if you’ve never visited, plan at least a day or two. It’s like walking through the ancient markets of Morocco or some other place where the twisty streets go off in every direction to lose yourself in a great day of eating, drinking and merriment!
Two Comments
Betmate says:
August 17, 2022 at 1:31 pm
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October 1, 2024 at 12:52 am
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