Coming into the Pike Place Market in the morning during the holidays is one of the most enchanting feelings in Seattle. No delivery trucks yet, only the security guards, Harry at Pure Food Fish getting our salmon for the day and a few of us that know this feeling; early morning.
Tomorrow night is the full moon for November, so it will compete with the Christmas lights for attention, and it will win. Wherever you are tomorrow morning, before the sun rises and the moon is at its brightest, look up.
Someone you love, if they are up also, will be looking at our timeless moon glowing at the same time as you, and the reflection from the sun, to the moon and back, will mirror the beauty of our market back towards them.
It’s the spirit of the holidays, and we give thanks.
Cheers from your family at Lowell’s!

The moon, the market, holiday lights and waking up to them all, today, November 27, 2012